Why confidence is hotter than a great butt.

I don’t know about you  but this week has been a wild ride for me.  To top off all the amazing things happening in my life. Something equally life altering (which I’ll get to) almost brought me to my knees. The only reason I am still standing is because of what I am going to share with you in this email.  The #1 confidence crippler and how to overcome it.

Let me start by sharing a short eclipse of what is happening.  Last June 22nd my husband moved out, this was not newWY1_3930 - web news but still hard as hell.  We divorced in January and today, yes today; he is remarrying. Triggering a lot of sadnesses and upset, which brought to light all my self-worth issues, this week.  I manifested the flu while I was alone. Then far too many things randomly started breaking around the house.  Funny enough most of these things that fell apart would be considered more manly tasks, like a broken pump in my washing machine.  Lucky after crying and feeling lonely for a moment, I decided to trust that I am capable in true Antiqua fashion. I took that machine apart. And funny enough found my princess crown. God has a sense of humor.

A few years ago this would have been a perfect storm. I would have questioned my worth. This would have left me in a crying tizzy in the middle of my bedroom floor, feeling sorry for myself, but not this week.  This week I saw that my confidence was being shaken and someone else’s story was in my face. I welcomed it; and remembered who   I am despite everything that is happening in my life. This clarity allowed me too, consciously be who I know I am, rather than what the lie of being unworthy  or incapable. Those old stories had no power over me and here is why:

The #1 confidence crippler is NOT knowing who you are. 

Do you want to know how I have I helped over 1000 women get to KNOW themselves and live 100% unapologetically themselves? No matter what is happening around them.

Here are 3 things you can do right now to boost your confidence:

1)  Notice when you are looking at all the things you think you need to fix, change, upgrade about yourself. AND STOP IT!

Take your power back and shift your perspective to what is good, just, kind, hopeful and wonderful about yourself and start honoring the good our maker created in you rather than the other…

2) Decide who you desire to be. (not what but who) There are a few ways to get started doing this.  Start to recognize how often you allow others to define, label and put you in a box.  This frees you up really quick.  Then choose for yourself which definitions you desire to agree to be.

Our parents, doctors, friends and situations and events in our lives can try to define us.  Free yourself by choosing who you desire to be and start practicing.

3) Write down 5 people that you admire from all walks of life and from any time.

Then write down the three things you admire most about them.  EVERYTHING you see in them is also in you.  To really start believing you have the qualities you admire in others; write these qualities down.  Then read this list often reminding you who you really are.

These 3 things will be a good start, to boosting your confidence and feeling more comfortable being you.  Do you want to take these practices to the next level and really integrate a new level of self-confidence into your life right now?  Then let’s spend some time together discovering you.  (Tiffani insert link here: https://lishaantiqua.com/intensive-day/)

Last weekends, VIP days were so fun and well received I figured I would open up 4 more spots to help you define yourself, claim your life and put a plan into action to make your ideal life your new normal.

Use the discount code Spring Special on the VIP half day all about YOU.  You will discover how you too can weather any storm and impress yourself!  Sign up here the special is good this weekend ONLY.

What do you think?

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