Ever say; I’m broke or I can’t afford it?

Ever wonder WHY you are broke? It may have nothing to do with how hard you work, what your education level is or the economy.

It may be because you were raised to believe something is wrong with you.  Raised to believe you are broken.

MONEY is energy.

BROKE is energy as well.

I help survivors end the cycle of drama and trauma in their lives so they can THRIVE and heal generational patterns in their families.  If this is you and you are finding yourself wanting more MONEY then keep reading.


3 things I am going to cover in this blog: 

  • You are what you believe.
  • You get what you believe.
  • Success happens outside of your comfort zone.


In the case of making money, having money and creating wealth.  If ever there was someone or something that convinced you that you are broken, then the energy of broke can and will keep money from you.  As will the energy of victim and survivor both creating poor me (even when justified) vibration which will also keep money from entering your life with ease.

You get what you believe, so if you believe you are broke (even if you don’t really want to agree with being financially broke) then the reality you create around you will affirm you are broke or broken which will vibrate in a poor energy.

Success happens outside your comfort zone. After years of working with survivors and being one myself, I have had the hard to stomach task of accepting that many of us are very comfortable NOT WANTING to be in our environment. We are comfortable with anger, hate, pain, abuse, struggle, starvation, dirty, sad, depressed, sick and run down places.

BEING COMFORTABLE DOES NOT MEAN YOU LIKE IT, WANT IT, OR AGREE WITH IT.  It just means you have had the opportunity to get used to it and learn to cope with it.

This is why a wealthy person can lose all their money and within a short time get it back again. This is why a poor person can win the lottery and quickly be in the poor house again.


So how you do this is 2 fold.

#1 change your lifestyle with consistent, daily habits that support you figure out what you want and what you don’t want about your current life.  (We have a membership for that, the YOU Matter daily love letters will systematically over the next year help you clear out the old, discover your new normal and create a lifestyle around it – all within 10 minutes a day – create your membership here)

#2 find and admit your OLD normal and delete all the actions, beliefs and feelings that support the LIE I am broke, broken, wrong, poor or needing to be fixed in any way shape and form.  This is a process but can be done in a short amount of time, if you are ready to take control and transform your life.

#3 Invest in yourself.  You can do this with time or money.  THE SECOND you do consciously invest in you, your life will begin to divinely unfold.  But there is a specific way you HAVE TO INVEST in order to get the results you want.

INVEST IN YOUR WHOLENESS – invest with the intention that you are already whole and it is up to you to discover all the amazing parts of you and put the rest the old stories and excused of broke and broken.  This goes against your ego (keeping you safe in your comfort zone) and your old way of life – visiting and revisiting all the ways you have been victimized, judged, hurt, wronged and misjudged – it means you once and for all take a stand for yourself.

Are you ready?

Then join me for the next Amazing YOU group program beginning April 20th. Register here and get the early bird bonus, payment plan option.






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