The darkness is nothing to be afraid of.

The truth is we all walk around in the darkness, the darkness of things happening that don’t feel loving or kind. The darkness of our thoughts and judgments. The darkness of others judgments and fear. The darkness of shame and guilt and regret. The darkness of lack and pain and hopelessness. The darkness that lingers in our past and memories.

We all know the darkness well. We have been navigating in the darkness our whole lives.

What we don’t know is how our own light allows us to be awake from the illusions that we are or deserve the dark and see it for what it is, simply darkness/negative ions, lack of light.No more hiding

Once you understand the only reason you can see in the dark rather than be the dark is that you’re the light. Then you can stop associating with yourself as the dark, then you can accept what a great navigator you are, what a beacon you are. How lovely you are.

Then when you see or experience a negative ion you’ll be reminded that it is not you, but you can illuminate and therefore transform it to a positive ion through the love you are.

No matter if the dark appears under your skin, in your mind, vibrating through feelings or outside in your reality, don’t fear it, don’t believe it, it is only the darkness you’re born to return to light. And you do that by remembering you are the light.

– Lisha Antiqua – AMAZING YOU – Trauma transformation coach 

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