Scattered NO more. A woman’s guide to peace of mind.

Do you feel scattered and tattered with 1000 things to get done every day?

Are you ready to get more done in less time?

You are not alone at all – most of us leading ladies have been trained to multitask. As women, we have been told a BIG lie that we are skilled at multitasking.


When it comes to how many things we can PAY ATTENTION to at one time it is true we are wired to PAY ATTENTION to more than one thing at a time, our intuition, and senses are tuned into everything that is happening around us, more so than a man’s. Men have the gift of being single focused and able to zone in on one thing. This is the difference between hunters and gatherers.
It is GREAT that you can PAY ATTENTION to so many things but  trying to DO it all at one time, is literally keeping you stuck and dragging you down. Here is what you need to do to gain your freedom and peace of mind back.  
Here is my video from Day 23 – all about the only way to end overwhelm and say goodbye to being scattered.

The key is to focus on one thing at a time and to map out your calendar in order to do so. The rest is up to you.
In the Rising Star program, we dive deep into your purpose and your calendar.
Here is a sneak peak to the F. O. C. U. S. program
Find one task that will either move you towards your desire or relieve stress when done.
Optimize your time, by setting  time-boxes that you will give 100% focus to this task schedule.
• Schedule the time on your Calendar
• When the time comes give it your Undivided attention (close all other programs and remove your phone.)
• Celebrate your SUCCESS, most of the time will take you less time to accomplish your task than you think when you give it undivided attention. If you need more time, take a break and then reF.O.C.U.S.

Still not ALL done, then  it is time for you to take a break and refresh and then reF.O.C.U.S.
Find, Optimize, Calendar, Undivided attention, Success
Would you like to go through the FOCUS process with something specific that has kept you feeling scattered and overwhelmed (maybe your book or program planning)? Give me a call and let me help you figure it out schedule your Next Step strategy session here.

Next Step

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