You've made it!

Love the Skin You're In

The information you hear and see here is private and is not to be shared, taught or reproduced without the written consent of Antiqua Lisha.


Part 1

Understanding how the body processes trauma.


Part 2

Oh this weight... why you may not be gaining or loss weight


Part 3

Trauma and autoimmune disease... you can heal.

YOU Matter clubDaily LOVE - happy habits

Part 4

Reproduction, pleasure and feeling at home in your skin.

Your Next StepAre you ready to work with Antiqua 1 to 1?

Start your journey back to body freedom, confidence today. In the Amazing YOU program.

Register HereAmazing YOU

Are you ready to end this cycle once and for all and reclaim your body and your power?

Your Next StepAre you ready to work with Antiqua 1 to 1?

What to expect in this program ...

I was hiding from my story and it was eating me up. Telling your story matters. Antiqua helped me see that too and to stop hiding and to take my power back, in spite of the story. Telling my story matters and keeping it locked away was poisoning me.

The truth does set you free.

  • "I came to learn yoga, I left knowing about me."
  • Physical pain vanishing "My hip pain went away when I finally felt it. So much wisdom, thank you."
  • "I am no longer living to impress someone else, I define my own beauty. FREEDOM"
  • YOU WILL -
  • Gain flexibility and strength
  • Get your sexy on ... nothing is more beautiful than confidence
  • Start releasing years of baggage ... (in all forms)
  • Work with Antiqua 1 to 1
  • The complete Amazing YOU program (Value $5000)
  • Melt the weight off your body and your life (Priceless)
  • Your Personalized nourishment plan ($997 value)
  • The Flame Yoga - fat melting, digestion firing, balancing series ($97 value package)
  • Nourish YOU workbook and 9 module series ($297 value)
  • Continued support and social community (priceless)
Most Popular ProgramAmazing YOU private coach Body, Mind and Soul

I reshaped my body. I lost an overall 11-1/4 inches on my body, nearly a pound a week, and changed my body fat content drastically (still waiting for those figures :). I gained core strength that I haven't known in years. I committed to my goal and learned how to incorporate it into my daily life. I learned valuable tools for handling challenges in my life. I learned that I have great willpower and am successful in completing excellent courses. I learned to speak my truth with more confidence, too.
