The foundation of Success...


Holistic Coaching is more than a method its a mastery.

Holistic Coaching Academy applications only

Our motto here is WHEN YOU SUCCEED, WE SUCCEED.  This is our formula for lasting and growing success in ALL area's of your life.

  • Zone 1 -  7 layers of the body and how to promote health in each

  • Zone 2 - 7 paths of the mind and how to master them (EFT, NLP, CERT)

  • Zone 3 - 7 layers of Emotional Intelligence and how to create breakthroughs

  • Zone 4 - 7 Spiritual laws for confidence, connection and clarity for your clients

  • Zone 5 - 7 layers of relating and boundless boundaries

  • Zone 6 - 7 paths of the EMPIRE method and YOU (or your clients)